Beloved of the Lover, who equips us to flourish, accept the offering of our queer living and loving.
But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
What are the contours - the images, vocabulary, and metaphors - of the God who is queer affirming? How do queer people of faith "give reason for the hope" that is in us? What are the attributes of the God we worship?
Kyrie (the nature of our relationship with God)
Our God, in which passion finds its beginning and its end, inspire us.
Jesus, lover of our souls, rouse us.
Our God whose erotic expression birthed creation, energize us.
Gloria (praise for what God and Christ bring into our lives)
Glory to you, our God the source of life who is above, below, around, within.
May the earth be filled with your joy and acceptance of all people.
We praise your beauty. We glorify your creativity.
We give you thanks for your great passion;
Heart of the universe, source of life, the ribald God.
And to the lover of our souls, the beloved of God, Jesus our Christ.
Jesus our friend, wounded companion, joy of our hearts desiring:
You who enable our lives to flourish, inspire us.
You who empower our souls to shimmer as rainbows, hear us.
You who are intimate with the source of life, energize our own yearning.
For you are primal desire. You are the lover of our souls.
You, Jesus, are the passion which stirs our living and our loving
Along with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, whose erotic expression is the source of life.
Credo (why we stake our living and loving on God)
We give the purpose of our living and loving to you, Our God, source of life, eternal lover,
Who poured being into created reality, comprising the wild diversity of life.
And we give the purpose of our living and loving to the lover of our souls, Jesus our Christ, joy of our desiring, beloved of the lover.
Born of the source of life as primal desire, beloved and lover, desire of desiring, true passion from true passion,
Erotic expression, not lustfulness, of one with the source of life.
Through Jesus all desire - longing and belonging - emerge and merge.
Who for our flourishing did take up creaturely life.
Enfleshed by the Holy Spirit of the socially subversive Mary:
And was made an embodied, gendered, sexual being.
You, our Christ, suffered hate and rejection:
Your body, like many of your queer brothers and sisters, was beaten and tortured.
You died and was buried.
On the third day you flourished anew by the consummation of God's searching heart.
Passion found desire and you, the beloved, was reunited with God, the lover.
You lure creation with your longing for us, so that our living and loving may also flourish.
Your kin-ship knows no bounds.
And we give the purpose of our living and loving to the Holy Spirit, blesser and sustainer of our flourishing.
You are the erotic eruption of the passion shared between the Beloved and the Lover.
You, with God and Jesus, are glorified.
You come to full expression through prophets who queer culture and call into question our assumptions.
And we give the purpose of our living and loving to the safe places and supportive communities
Where your desire for creation, O God, envelops us.
We confess one source of passion for the flourishing of life,
Even as we await the fullness of inclusion and life in a world honoring all expressions of love.
Sanctus (praising of God's actions)
Sacred, sacred, sacred is God,
Whose erotic passion fills the height and breath of the universe.
Hosanna in the highest.
Benedictus (praising of Jesus' actions)
Blest is Jesus,
Who expresses inclusive love.
Hosanna in the highest.
Angus Dei (acknowledging the role of God through Christ in our lives)
Beloved of the Lover, who enables us to flourish, inspire us.
Beloved of the Lover, who empowers us to flourish, rouse us.
Beloved of the Lover, who equips us to flourish, accept the offering of our queer living and loving.
But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
1 Peter 3:15 HCSB
What are the contours - the images, vocabulary, and metaphors - of the God who is queer affirming? How do queer people of faith "give reason for the hope" that is in us? What are the attributes of the God we worship?
Mass Celebrating the Queer Affirming God
Kyrie (the nature of our relationship with God)
Our God, in which passion finds its beginning and its end, inspire us.
Jesus, lover of our souls, rouse us.
Our God whose erotic expression birthed creation, energize us.
Gloria (praise for what God and Christ bring into our lives)
Glory to you, our God the source of life who is above, below, around, within.
May the earth be filled with your joy and acceptance of all people.
We praise your beauty. We glorify your creativity.
We give you thanks for your great passion;
Heart of the universe, source of life, the ribald God.
And to the lover of our souls, the beloved of God, Jesus our Christ.
Jesus our friend, wounded companion, joy of our hearts desiring:
You who enable our lives to flourish, inspire us.
You who empower our souls to shimmer as rainbows, hear us.
You who are intimate with the source of life, energize our own yearning.
For you are primal desire. You are the lover of our souls.
You, Jesus, are the passion which stirs our living and our loving
Along with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, whose erotic expression is the source of life.
Credo (why we stake our living and loving on God)
We give the purpose of our living and loving to you, Our God, source of life, eternal lover,
Who poured being into created reality, comprising the wild diversity of life.
And we give the purpose of our living and loving to the lover of our souls, Jesus our Christ, joy of our desiring, beloved of the lover.
Born of the source of life as primal desire, beloved and lover, desire of desiring, true passion from true passion,
Erotic expression, not lustfulness, of one with the source of life.
Through Jesus all desire - longing and belonging - emerge and merge.
Who for our flourishing did take up creaturely life.
Enfleshed by the Holy Spirit of the socially subversive Mary:
And was made an embodied, gendered, sexual being.
You, our Christ, suffered hate and rejection:
Your body, like many of your queer brothers and sisters, was beaten and tortured.
You died and was buried.
On the third day you flourished anew by the consummation of God's searching heart.
Passion found desire and you, the beloved, was reunited with God, the lover.
You lure creation with your longing for us, so that our living and loving may also flourish.
Your kin-ship knows no bounds.
And we give the purpose of our living and loving to the Holy Spirit, blesser and sustainer of our flourishing.
You are the erotic eruption of the passion shared between the Beloved and the Lover.
You, with God and Jesus, are glorified.
You come to full expression through prophets who queer culture and call into question our assumptions.
And we give the purpose of our living and loving to the safe places and supportive communities
Where your desire for creation, O God, envelops us.
We confess one source of passion for the flourishing of life,
Even as we await the fullness of inclusion and life in a world honoring all expressions of love.
Sanctus (praising of God's actions)
Sacred, sacred, sacred is God,
Whose erotic passion fills the height and breath of the universe.
Hosanna in the highest.
Benedictus (praising of Jesus' actions)
Blest is Jesus,
Who expresses inclusive love.
Hosanna in the highest.
Angus Dei (acknowledging the role of God through Christ in our lives)
Beloved of the Lover, who enables us to flourish, inspire us.
Beloved of the Lover, who empowers us to flourish, rouse us.
Beloved of the Lover, who equips us to flourish, accept the offering of our queer living and loving.